
Sabinsa on Wheels science summit In Tokyo

Sabinsa Japan Corporation will host Sabinsa on Wheels, a day-long science summit for customers, on October 21, 2016 at the Shangri-La Hotel in Tokyo, Japan. The topics presented by a range of speakers will include the latest clinical studies conducted on Sabinsa’s proprietary dietary supplement ingredients.

Sabinsa on Wheels will begin at 9:00 AM JST, and end at 16:30, including tea/coffee breaks and lunch. Presenters and their topics will include:

  • Kazunaga Yazawa, Ph.D., Waseda University, Research Organization for Nano & Life Innovation: Anti-aging Compounds Derived from Foods (Healthy Foods for Body, Brain & Mind)
  • Yasuo Watanabe, Ph.D., Yokohama University of Pharmacy, Medical Center of Health: Curcumin is Not Only for Drinking Alcohol! New Concept for Teenagers And Women.
  • Kazuo Uebaba, MD & Ph.D., Teikyo Heisei University, Faculty of Health Science:The Role Of Ayurvedic In Holistic Therapeutics  
  • Nagabhushanam Kalyanam, PhD, President (R&D), Sabinsa: Curcumin C3 Complex® – Recent Research; Bacopin® for Brain Health and Recent Clinical Trials by Sabinsa
  • Anurag Pande, PhD, Vice President, Scientific Affairs, Sabinsa: Gut Health: A New Frontier
  • Lakshmi Mundkur Ph.D., Vice President (R&D), Biological Sciences, Sami Labs Limited: Forskolin Power® : Anti-obesity (Molecular mechanism), Boswellin The Anti-inflammatory Phytonutrient, and Hepato-Protective Activity Evaluation Of Garcinol

“These presentations are designed to benefit the audience, and their customers, by presenting in-depth information about the science supporting Sabinsa’s ingredients and technologies,” said Muhammed Majeed, PhD, Sabinsa’s Founder. “While the primary focus will be on the most popular categories, our guests will also be the first in the industry to have a preview of some new innovations from our robust R&D division.”

Previous Sabinsa on Wheels programs have been conducted worldwide, including Australia, Europe, South Korea and in the USA.
